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Together We Can

 The year 2008 marks the 2nd year of operation of PC Family (Pty) Ltd, a company that plans to go for heights. Going at a snail's pace but surely getting there the organization started and found by Kaeka Kokona. The Network Administrator Mr. Tumisang Brian Diau who is this year coming with aspiration is more than just dedicated.

Recent news in the real world

 With the current millitary rule our country's democracy is bound to be just a word we all grew up with. afterall the gorverment has done to state media, i can't even start to imagine when last i listened to gorvernment radio stations let alone read the daily news, and now they want to control the private sectors too. this is to me is an act of selfishness, no offence, by a few individuals who just want to destroy the country's democracy. Not forgetting that by so doing such people who we refer to us our leaders will have a safe harbour where corruption will not be exposed.


Above:Network Administrator Mr Tumisang Brian Diau. +26772933668, tumiediau@yahoo.com

MISION: to provide good service to the people & make sure they get what they need & want

VISION: to see ourselves providing for Southern Africa & making sure their needs are met in a period of a decade


I am appealing to all established organizatons or just anybody out there for sponsorship. Any little amount we'll do just to kick start the business. A young Motswana who is trying to start a small business and hopefully one which will be profitable. Just call or sms my number or e-mail me on the address given.

Suggestions and comments or anything helpfull

If you want to add some comments about this site, or have any business suggestions or ideas that can be of use to this organization you may pass them to the Director on the specified e-mail address. You can also call or sms our office at the number given. Your suggestions comments will be regarded confidential and may not be used in any way that may otherwise be negative.

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